Here are some web sites found related to Bartolomé de
las Casas. They are in no particular order and we do not endorse or
criticize any of their facts, points of view, and/or content. Some
examples of categories are:
- articles by recognized scholars, such as Benjamin Keen,
- articles by amateurs,
- timelines and encyclopedia-style entries,
- classroom materials prepared by teachers,
- advertisements for visitors to modern areas named after Las
- notices about institutes, scholarly activities, or religious
- ALL are testaments to the living legacy of Las Casas.
We have placed an asterisk * next to those we know are of value, from
the perspective of scholarship on Las Casas.
Please email us and let
us know if you have found others that could be of interest as we
continue to expand this Las Casas Home Page.
By the way, don't be too disappointed if a link ceases to work (you
get a message that server is no longer in service, cannot make a
connection, etc.). That is the nature of the Internet/Web animal. Some
web sites simply are removed, changed, or otherwise taken off the
Internet after a while. Just go on to another!
(1474 - 1566) |
Centro de
Derechos Humanos
Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas,
A.C. |
Here is the full text of the biography of
Las Casas by Francis Augustus MacNutt. It has been converted
to an e-text, which is freely available through Project
Gutenberg at:,
It is available in a variety of formats, including PDF and
HTML. The biography is marred by a few racist remarks
typical of the time, but it does contain a complete
translation into modern English of the Brevissima Relacion
(which you're of course welcome to take and use any way you
like). |
of Preachers (Dominicans) |
Handbook of Latin American Studies. |
The Legacy of Bartolomé de Las Casas
by Benjamin Keen* |
The Tale of Bartolome de las Casas
By Bob Corbett <> |
Also freely available through Project
Gutenberg is a much older English translation of the
Brevíssima Relacion at:
.This version has an unfortunate anti-Catholic
introduction, and is a little bit abridged, and of course
the English is very old-fashioned (but intelligible). |
América en el pensamiento político de Bartolomé de Las Casas |
Bartolomé de las Casas and Truth:
Toward a Spirituality of Solidarity
by Brian Pierce |
Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes:
Biblioteca de Autor Bartolome de las Casas. A
truly OUTSTANDING web site which contains many of Las Casas
principal works in facsimile and available as online
downloads. |
Bartolome de las Casas, Missionary, Priest, Defender of the
Oppressed |
Larry Clayton's Ongoing Biography of F. B. de Las Casas |